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Recurring Pull Unified Response

The data we will send to your API will always have the following shape:

"conductivProperties": {
"endUserID": string, // End User ID, unique per applicant, provided during token request
"requestID": string, // Request ID, unique per application, provided during token request
"dataSource": [string], // The data source that the customer completed, e.g. Plaid, Yodlee, etc.
"refreshDate": string, // The timestamp of when the recurring pull was requested
"refreshStatus": string // Either "Success" or "Failed - <reason>"
"data": any,
"conductivCalculator": any

Note refreshDate and refreshStatus as the new properties. Existing properties data and conductivCalculator will be the same as in the unified response.

Refresh Status

There are two options for refreshStatus: Success or Failed - <reason>. We are working on a comprehensive list for reason, but as of now, we have not yet narrowed it down.

Fail Reasons

Failed - Request ID not found
Given Request ID is not found in our database.
Failed - No data found to refresh
The specified request ID is not associated with any data sources.
Failed - Data source not yet supported for recurring pull
The data source associated with the specified request ID is not yet supported for recurring pull.
Failed - No Yodlee Data Available. Consent may have been revoked.
Yodlee came back with no data -- likely consent has been revoked.
Failed - Error trying to get data
Failed to get recurring pull data for any other reason.