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Unified Response

The data we will send to your API will always have the following shape:

"conductivProperties": {
"endUserID": string, // End User ID, unique per applicant, provided during token request
"requestID": string, // Request ID, unique per application, provided during token request
"productID": string, // Your custom productID or our productID
"templateID": string, // The ID of the template shown
"dataSource": [string], // The data source that the customer completed, e.g. Plaid, Yodlee, etc.
"startedTimestamp": string, // The timestamp of when the customer first viewed the Conductiv Flow
"finishedTimestamp": string // The timestamp of when the customer completed the Conductiv Flow
"data": any,
"conductivCalculator": any

Conductiv Calculator Beta

Conductiv Calculator is additional data that we have computed using simple arithmetic in order to make the raw data easier for humans and decisioning engines to digest.


"Monthly Debt Payments": "$1234.56",
"Debt to Income Ratio": "0.2273",
"Monthly Income": "$5432.10",
"Monthly Cash Flow": "$987.65"

Aggregator Sample Data

Can be viewed here.