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Debt Data

Property KeyDescriptionDefault NameCalculation
TOTAL_DEBTTotal debt owed.Total DebtWe iterate through all accounts and sum the balance
TOTAL_UNSECURED_DEBTTotal unsecured debt owed.Total Unsecured DebtWe iterate through all accounts and sum the balance if the account type is credit_card, personal_loan, loan, or business_loan
TOTAL_COLLECTIONTotal collection debt owed.Total Collection DebtWe iterate through all accounts and sum the balance if the account type is collection
LAST_MONTH_PAYMENTSThe amount paid towards all debt last month.Last Month PaymentsWe iterate through all accounts and sum the last_payment_amount
NEXT_MONTH_MINIMUM_PAYMENTSNext month's total minimum payment.Next Month Minimum PaymentsWe iterate through all accounts and sum the next_payment_minimum_amount
DELINQUENT_AMOUNTThe amount delinquent for all debt.Delinquent AmountWe iterate through all accounts and sum the delinquent_amount
CREDIT_SCORE_VANTAGE3An applicant's VantageScore 3.0 credit score.Credit ScoreTaken from raw data

API Docs:

Accounts Object