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Employment, Income and Paystub Data

Property KeyDescriptionDefault NameCalculation
INCOME_FREQUENCYThe pay interval the income field refers to.Frequency of IncomeTaken from raw data
INCOME_AMOUNTIncome amount not including commission or bonuses.Income AmountTaken from raw data
START_DATEEmployee's hire date.Start DateTaken from raw data
LAST_MONTH_NETThe net income for the last full month of employment.Net Income Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and sum the net_pay if the period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_GROSSThe gross income for the last full month of employment.Gross Income Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and sum the gross_pay if the period_end is during the previous full month
MONTHLY_NETThe average net income for the last 3 months.Average Net Income (3 Months)We iterate through the paystubs and sum the net_pay if the period_end is during the last 3 months, then we divide by 3
MONTHLY_GROSSThe average gross income for the last 3 months.Average Gross Income (3 Months)We iterate through the paystubs and sum the gross_pay if the period_end is during the last 3 months, then we divide by 3
LAST_MONTH_BONUSTotal bonus compensation from the last month.Bonus Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add bonus if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_COMMISSIONTotal commission compensation from the last month.Commission Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add commission if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_OVERTIMETotal overtime compensation from the last month.Overtime Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add overtime if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_OTHER_PAYTotal other pay compensation from the last month.Other Pay Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add other_pay if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
COMPANY_NAMECompany name.Company NameTaken from raw data
PAY_FREQUENCYDescribes how often the employee is paid.Pay FrequencyTaken from raw data (Mapped to human readable format)
HOURS_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe hours worked the most recent pay period.Hours Worked - Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
DATES_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe start and end dates of the most recent pay period.Pay Period - Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
HOURS_2ND_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe hours worked the 2nd most recent pay period.Hours Worked - 2nd Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
DATES_2ND_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe start and end dates of the 2nd most recent pay period.Pay Period - 2nd Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
EMPLOYMENT_STATUSIndicates if the employee is actively employed.Employment StatusTaken from raw data
GROSS_INCOME_YTDThe cumulative year to date total earnings before any taxes or deductions are removed.Gross Income YTDTaken from raw data
NET_INCOME_YTDThe cumulative year to date total earnings after all taxes and deductions are removed.Net Income YTDTaken from raw data
GROSS_LAST_YEARLast year's total earnings before any taxes or deductions are removed.Gross Income Last YearTaken from raw data
NET_LAST_YEARLast year's total earnings after all taxes and deductions are removed.Net Income Last YearTaken from raw data
BONUS_YTDTotal bonus compensation year to date.Bonus YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
COMMISSION_YTDTotal commission compensation year to date.Commission YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
OVERTIME_YTDTotal overtime compensation year to date.Overtime YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
OTHER_PAY_YTDTotal other pay compensation year to date.Other Pay YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub

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