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Employment, Income and Paystub Data

Property KeyDescriptionDefault NameCalculation
INCOME_FREQUENCYThe pay interval the income field refers to.Frequency of IncomeTaken from raw data
INCOME_AMOUNTIncome amount not including commission or bonuses.Income AmountTaken from raw data
START_DATEEmployee's hire date.Start DateTaken from raw data
LAST_MONTH_NETThe net income for the last full month of employment.Net Income Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and sum the net_pay if the period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_GROSSThe gross income for the last full month of employment.Gross Income Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and sum the gross_pay if the period_end is during the previous full month
MONTHLY_NETThe average net income for the last 3 months.Average Net Income (3 Months)We iterate through the paystubs and sum the net_pay if the period_end is during the last 3 months, then we divide by 3
MONTHLY_GROSSThe average gross income for the last 3 months.Average Gross Income (3 Months)We iterate through the paystubs and sum the gross_pay if the period_end is during the last 3 months, then we divide by 3
LAST_MONTH_BONUSTotal bonus compensation from the last month.Bonus Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add bonus if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_COMMISSIONTotal commission compensation from the last month.Commission Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add commission if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_OVERTIMETotal overtime compensation from the last month.Overtime Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add overtime if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
LAST_MONTH_OTHER_PAYTotal other pay compensation from the last month.Other Pay Last MonthWe iterate through the paystubs and add other_pay if the pay_period_end is during the previous full month
COMPANY_NAMECompany name.Company NameTaken from raw data
PAY_FREQUENCYDescribes how often the employee is paid.Pay FrequencyTaken from raw data (Mapped to human readable format)
HOURS_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe hours worked the most recent pay period.Hours Worked - Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
DATES_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe start and end dates of the most recent pay period.Pay Period - Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
HOURS_2ND_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe hours worked the 2nd most recent pay period.Hours Worked - 2nd Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
DATES_2ND_RECENT_PAY_PERIODThe start and end dates of the 2nd most recent pay period.Pay Period - 2nd Most Recent PaystubTaken from raw data
EMPLOYMENT_STATUSIndicates if the employee is actively employed.Employment StatusTaken from raw data
GROSS_INCOME_YTDThe cumulative year to date total earnings before any taxes or deductions are removed.Gross Income YTDTaken from raw data
NET_INCOME_YTDThe cumulative year to date total earnings after all taxes and deductions are removed.Net Income YTDTaken from raw data
GROSS_LAST_YEARLast year's total earnings before any taxes or deductions are removed.Gross Income Last YearTaken from raw data
NET_LAST_YEARLast year's total earnings after all taxes and deductions are removed.Net Income Last YearTaken from raw data
BONUS_YTDTotal bonus compensation year to date.Bonus YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
COMMISSION_YTDTotal commission compensation year to date.Commission YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
OVERTIME_YTDTotal overtime compensation year to date.Overtime YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
OTHER_PAY_YTDTotal other pay compensation year to date.Other Pay YTDTaken from the raw data of the most recent paystub
TWO_YEARS_AVG_NETAverage monthly net income for the last 2 years (or since start date).Average Net Income (2 Years or Since Start Date)We first determine the whether the start date is earlier than two years ago -- we use whichever is more recent. Then we iterate through the paystubs and sum the net_pay if the period_end is before the start of this month and after two years ago (or the start date). Lastly, we divide by 24 (or the number of months since start date)
TWO_YEARS_AVG_GROSSAverage monthly gross income for the last 2 years (or since start date).Average Gross Income (2 Years or Since Start Date)We first determine the whether the start date is earlier than two years ago -- we use whichever is more recent. Then we iterate through the paystubs and sum the gross_pay if the period_end is before the start of this month and after two years ago (or the start date). Lastly, we divide by 24 (or the number of months since start date)

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