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Account Information and Transactions

Property KeyDescriptionDefault NameCalculation
MONTHLY_INCOMEAverage income per month.Monthly Deposits (income)We iterate through the transactions and sum up amount for any transaction that is classified as "income" by Plaid
MONTHLY_DEBTAverage debt payments per month.Monthly Payments (debt)We iterate through the transactions and sum up amount for any transaction that is classified as "payment" (debt) by Plaid
DTIDebt to income ratio.Debt to Payment RatioMONTHLY_DEBT divided by MONTHLY_INCOME
MONTHLY_CASH_FLOWAverage cash flow per month.Monthly Cash FlowWe iterate through the transactions and sum up amount, then divide by 3
AVERAGE_BANK_BALANCEAverage bank balance for all accounts over the last 90 days.Average Bank BalanceWe iterate through the "historical balances" and sum up current then divide by 90

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